Knowledgebase: OpenVPN Setup
How to Setup on Kali Linux?
Posted by Max Biggavelli on 07 September 2014 11:16

To setup nVpn with Kali there are two ways to do this, either through "network-manager" or directly from the command line, the command line setup as referred to as variant #2 has the advantage that all needed settings will be done automatically from the setup script as well the SSH daemon will be properly configured according to your VPN IP and the forwarded port (pretty useful when the server gets mainly used as a Remote server and accessed with Putty anyways).

1# First variant is the "network-manager" setup approach, to do this follow this quick video: here

*User details shown in the video must be logically substituted with your own*

#2 Command line setup

To setup nVpn on Debian we have created an automated setup script, the script was tested on Debian 9 Stretch (64 Bit).

Follow the steps below for setup, log in your server and on the command line do following:

1. Download the setup script: wget

2. Give the script executable permissions: chmod u+x

3. Start the script now: ./

4. Now the script will ask you to enter your Username and your already in the members area added port. 

The port is really important: without a forwarded port, you will not be able to reach your server again once the VPN connection has been established! Therefore make sure to add your desired Port in the Members Area on which you want to reach your server again. For example, if you added a port 8713 then your server would be reachable again only via "ssh YourVPNip -p 8713"

When the script finished successfully, you will be suddenly dropped and lose the connection to your server. From this point on the next connect works with the VPN IP and your forwarded port. Once connected to your server, you can double check the IP change was successful by doing: curl;echo

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